- Whether it is air testing or swabbing surfaces, we can meet your needs; this laboratory performs in-plant sanitation studies determining point source bacterial and fungal contamination followed by recommendations of corrective measures that enhance the overall hygienic condition of the facility.
- HACCP is a standard for food safety which can be applied to all stages of a food supply chain, from food production and preparation processes to packaging and distribution.
- HACCP has become a household name in the food safety industry and is now being referenced in many other industries including the food industry and cosmetics. Microbiological Associates has experienced NSF certified HACCP personnel who can consult with our clients to help ensure the client is maintaining the microbiological components of their individual internal HACCP plan.
Our testing includes indoor air testing, cooling towers, manufacturing and processing equipment, food manufacturing rooms, walls, drains etc. The tests are:
- Mold analysis, swab, dust or air sampling
- Culturable fungi
- Environmental bacteria
- Legionella pneumophila
- Microbial characterization in special environments
- Indicator bacterial tests
- Contamination trace back
- HACCP microbiological planning
- Special laboratory projects and consulting

Industrial Investigation
Our laboratory provides antimicrobial testing services applying the American Society for Testing and Materials-ASTMs Bacteriological and Fungal Challenge procedures which are industry standards in the analysis of numerous products like:
- Textiles
- Plastics and paints
- Inks and paper products
- Metalworking fluid and lubricants
- Water treatment and cooling towers
- Aircraft seats, tires, building materials

We provide a first action in the determination of quality and durability under adverse conditions. Our product failure investigations have improved not only product design and packaging but also stability and durability of many commercial products.